Sandra Gärtner

For the love of science and spirituality.



Fascinated with the science behind the mystic teachings, Sandra operates with one foot in academia and the other one in the realm of spirituality. In her work she combines modern knowledge of the physical body with the ancient wisdoms of energy work in private sessions, group classes, retreats and lectures. Read more about her work here.

As a sceptic and a believer, Sandra questions the structures of our modern society as well as the intangible concept of spirituality but nevertheless loving them both.

Through her mission she wishes to deepen spiritual practices using scientific answers as well as broaden the views of academic research with a deep humbleness towards the unexplainable divine, bridging the two worlds together. Read her professional bio here.



2021 - 2022


2021 - 2022

Oh La Moon

2021 - 2021

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Nov 1, 2022

New home for Reiki sessions at Livingroom co-workingspace

Sandra Gärtner now offers Reiki sessions at Living Room co-workingspace. Address is Rödabergsgatan 11, 113 33 Stockholm. Find it via: OpenStreetMap Google Maps
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The Universal life force energy.

Reiki is a Japanese energy modality using energy and heat transfer to create balance within and without. Through stillness and the act of soothing touch, Sandra uses the energies of Reiki to create physical, emotional and spiritual healing for overachievers and seekers. Her work offers a break from the busy everyday life to recharge the body and reawaken the inner knowing.

The practise of Reiki was channelled in Japan from Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. It is said that after seeking enlightenment without any luck, Usui decided to climb Mount Kurama for deep meditation. After 21 days of fasting and contemplation Usui was hit by a big, bright light knocking him unconscious. When he woke up he possessed the healing energies of Reiki. Deep dive in the history and science of Reiki.


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